Story#8 - Lorenzo

Lorenzo, Cordenons (Italy)

Lorenzo, Cordenons (Italy)

Lorenzo is 21 years old. He is an open mind guy, a clean soul.

I met him back in June in Italy, when the country was about to reopen after several lockdowns. He welcomed me at his place, and our conversation started like we knew each other for many years.

Like many people, he had time to think and refocus.

Not that what he was doing was not bringing him personal satisfaction and rewards: good at schools, good in sport, particularly football. Good (enough) on almost everything he does.

But the pandemic, in many cases, brought its powerful wave of time, solitude and thinking to assess our journey in life.

At his piano

At his piano

"Before starting university, a few years ago, I suspended my study at the conservatory on classical piano and focused on maths. But then, during the lockdown, I began posting on social media some videos of me singing. Those were my first songs, lyrics and music and, although I wasn't fully convinced of the outcome, probably because of my maniacal attitude to perfection, the feedbacks were encouraging."

He did more and more, building a little studio at home and find new motivations.

Lorenzo decided to close his experience in the sport, which was extremely promising with a fascinating opportunity with a professional football team, and dedicate all his energy to the music.

"This is what I want to do. I am ready to take my risk, and I want to dedicate one year of my life to this dream, becoming a singer. I will finish University and follow this dream".

"I listen to different genres of music, Italian and international, pop and classic, recent and back in the past. It is the beauty of the music, so broad, but I know I will find my voice and my own space."

He doesn't plan to apply to a TV music talent show, where he believes one needs to have a strong personality ("I don't think I have yet!"), but instead continuing creating his stories, lyrics and music, getting feedback from a close, trusted network and build his artistic path progressively.

I enjoyed talking to Lorenzo. He carries a strong desire for a bright future. He feels he can probably choose many areas for his maturity, but the music gives him the longest breath.


It is about us

“We need to do what we truly are passionate about, even if this comes with risks”

Lorenzo is one of these people who are out there to remind us that we can follow our passions and dreams and take some risks because we must do what we really like in our lives.

Good luck, Lorenzo! Buona musica.


A song

A te vorrei farti capire che nessuno può dirti cosa devi fare con il tuo futuro,  chi devi essere.

Perchè nessuno ti conosce meglio di te stessa.

Chiudi gli occhi.  Fallo per davvero. Respira. 

E sogna la cosa che ti rende più felice. Ecco.  Segui quella strada. Suda, fatica, cadi, rialzati, fallisci, fallisci, fallisci”.

“Lorenzo” is one of my stories featured in “VERA” Magazine.

STORIES of HOPE. Simple stories of ordinary people that carry a message of hope, a fragment of future. I have been meeting incredible people, that transmit energy, passion, engagement. I talk to them and try to find their message of hope.


Story#9 - Ilaria


Story#7 - Thierry