“Stories of Hope” is a long-term project. I meet ordinary people that carry a message of hope, a fragment of the future”
— Luca
Story#5 - Gianna
Waiting for the right time
Gianna, Cordenons (PN) - Italy
Gianna has incredible energy. She seeks, finds and generates positive energy in her professional job: personal trainer, naturopathy expert, masseuse, nordic-walking trainer, and many more.
She is highly involved in promoting active health practices, transmits her passions immediately and has an unbelievable ability to mobilise localesi. Take a look at “Gruppo Camminare Insieme”.
I was curious to know how COVID impacted her approach to life and people.
Of course, during the pandemic's peak, she had to interrupt most of her activities, but she still needed to canalise all her energy and find motivation.
She started giving new life to books that people were throwing away, drawing on stones taken from the bank of the river very close to where she lives and work, and sharing online cooking recipes.
"Everything happens when the time is right. I took the chance to do everything that I always wanted to do but never found the time to master".
"I discovered a new part of me, which probably can't make my living, but remains so important to me".
Her new art production is now on FaceBook, where her +3200 connections can follow her artistic journey and get some of her work.
You can also follow her on Instagram
It is about energy
"I am a kamikaze, a free spirit, and I take the space I need."
During our short conversation, she reminded me how important it is to find time to follow our passions and the things that make us feel alive. There are no excuses not to look around and see our "stones" or our "old books" and make them something new.
Our passions are there, right in front of us. And there will be a time, sooner or later, for us to grab them and put them at the right place in our lives.
Gianna is one of my stories featured in “VERA” Magazine.
The place of inspiration
STORIES of HOPE. Simple stories of ordinary people that carry a message of hope, a fragment of future. I have been meeting incredible people, that transmit energy, passion, engagement. I talk to them and try to find their message of hope.
Story#4 - Aymeric
An international museum for a local community
Aymeric Jeudy, directeur adjoint, Musée Matisse
Some months ago, during one of the last lockdowns, I met Aymeric Jeudy, one of the directors of Musée Matisse, in Nice. As with all cultural activities, the museum was closed, but he kindly agreed to find some time and meet me.
A strange feeling to be in a museum where all paintings and sculptures are covered and in low light. Particularly when you expect Matisse’s typical colours and energy.
I intended to document the feelings of cultural operators and understand how an institution like a museum was preparing for the post-COVID and find their story of hope.
I imagined an expected shift to virtual visits and online presence. Can't visitors come to the museum? No problem, we make sure people can connect to a website. I was wrong.
About the mission of a museum
“The mission of a museum is not to promote virtual visits. Particularly for a gallery such as Musée Matisse. We want to accompany a visitor in the universe of Matisse and possibly let him understand the heritage of this place. You can't do this online. We offer an experience”
I was also wrong on another dimension. When a museum is closed for many weeks, that doesn't mean there is nothing to do.
"We build our catalogue, seek for collaborations and continue our research on Matisse and his legacy. Moreover, we have learnt something important: local people, starting from the district of Cimiez, need to come here".
Musée Matisse attracts a high number of American and Asian tourists. During the different lockdowns, the museum received many testimonies of people who missed the museum's activities, the visits, the ateliers, the academic proposal, including the ateliers for children.
"It was a clear indication that people need the museum: this gives us stronger motivation to prepare for the post-COVID".
People living in Cimiez is essential for the cultural offering of the museum. Matisse is a universal artist and will continue attracting American tourists, and young artists, but the museum will strengthen its local connotation.
The history of the Nice Matisse Museum is closely linked to the donations made by Matisse and his heirs, as well as to his deep attachment to Nice, the city in which he produced the largest part of his work. The Museum and this located on the Cimiez hill whit its historic neighbourhood.
"You can't see Musées Matisse in isolation. When you come here, we want visitors to spend time in the 'Jardin de Cimiez'; visit the Monastery, its garden and the unique roses; the roman archeologic ruins with the arena; the 'Regina Palace', which hosted Matisse's atelier. Matisse is buried 5 minutes from here".
I found special energy in Aymeric and how he was planning the reopening of the museum, focusing on involving local communities, integrating the museum with its surroundings, ensuring visitors can have a complete experience of Matisse, beyond the painting of the famous French painter.
I strongly encourage to visit Musée Matisse with this spirit.
Thank you for your time Aymeric, it was really inspiring meeting you. Another story of hope, that builds on Matisse’s legacy and relaunch the importance of culture..
Creativity takes courage (Henry Matisse)
STORIES of HOPE. Simple stories of ordinary people that carry a message of hope, a fragment of future. I have been meeting incredible people, that transmit energy, passion, engagement. I talk to them and try to find their message of hope.
Story#1 - Thierry
I will return on stage
"Stories of Hope" starts from the culture, one of the sectors most impacted during COVID: theatres, music, museums, arts, in general, are precious treasures, and we have been deprived for many months.
Thierry Lopez is an actor based in Nice, South of France.
Thierry Lopez, Nice
We met in front of the ‘Theatre National de Nice’, a symbolic place for an artist. I could immediately feel how much Thierry missed the theatre, the stage, the public.
“Two years without public. The stage, the show, the spectators: all this is a need for an actor.
It is a life which is missing”.
He mentioned that several actors found a different jobs, even if a temporary occupation; others decided to work on long term projects, learning new parts or writing new ‘peaces’; some performed on YouTube, but it is not the same.
“You can’t replace the emotion and the energy of the public in front of you”.
One of his concerns was the difficulty of planning the following months and the uncertainties of the seasons.
Nevertheless, he carried a strong motivation, the desire to get back on stage, the willingness to return to auditions and find new artistic ways. His motivation was an example for me, reminding how much is important to focus on what is important to us.
“When theatre will open again, everything will explode, it will be like a big party. People need to laugh, need emotion and we will be ready.”
Good luck Thierry! Thank you for your energy and motivation: I imagine you now performing on a stage, giving emotions to many spectators.
STORIES of HOPE. Simple stories of ordinary people that carry a message of hope, a fragment of future. I have been meeting incredible people, that transmit energy, passion, engagement. I talk to them and try to find their message of hope.